Formation of Wrinkles
It was so good to be in the sun as solar energy naturally makes us feel more relaxed. However, sun protection is important. Sun damage is actually the number one culprit of aging skin and the primary cause of wrinkle formation.
Formation of Wrinkles
Normal, healthy skin has a smooth cornified or outer layer that acts as a barrier to water and environmental injury. Components such as collagen (providing firmness), elastin (supplying skin elasticity and rebound) and glycosaminoglycans (providing hydration) are all abundant. However, these deteriorate and lessen as we age, allowing wrinkles to form.
Aging Skin Signs on the face
Causes of Wrinkles
Intrinsic aging – The natural aging process that takes place over the years regardless of external influences.
After the age of 20, 1% less collagen is produced in the dermis each year.
In our 30’s, the transfer of moisture from the dermis to the epidermis slows down and fat cells start to shrink. These effects make the skin look dull and thin.
In our 40’s, collagen is no longer produced. The collagen and elastin fibers break, thicken, stiffen, clump together, and lose their elasticity. This results in wrinkles and aging lines.
Finally, in our 50’s, the skin becomes dry and is easily bruised, damaged, or broken because the sebaceous (oil) glands have decreased in size. Menopause causes a decrease in estrogen levels, leaving the skin drier, thinner, more sensitive, and less toned.
Extrinsic Aging, LUMIÈRE Skin Health & Wellness Centre, Downtown Vancouver